Head Gasket Repair Andover
Once a head gasket is blown, it can cause many further damages to your vehicle’s engine such as decreased fuel efficiency, leakages of liquid, loss of water and overheated engine. The longer you drive with a blown gasket, the more severe damage it causes to the engine. In worst case, if left untreated for a longer time, a complete engine replacement could be required. Also, head gasket separates the three liquids from each other in the engine.
The head gasket is an extremely critical sealing component of your vehicle’s engine. And thus, any potential problem with a head gasket should be dealt with immediately; else it may result in more severe problems in the engine and increase repair expenses tremendously, if ignored. So don’t ignore your cars problems, get them fixed with Car Servicing Andover, we pride ourselves on professional and cost effective repairs.
Head Gasket Repair Services
- Refit head gasket
- Overall inspection
- No hidden fees or costs
- Professional mechanics
- Expert advice
- Repair head gasket
For a Head Gasket Repair or advice call Car Servicing Andover on 01264 848244 or book a Head Gasket Repair through our booking form.
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opening hours
monday - friday
8am - 6pm
8am - 1pm